Modern Chinese dress

The origin of modern significance on Chinese dress, the Chinese dress was born in 20 century, prevailed in the early s, is the representative of the Chinese women clothing. When Shanghai is high, they are lucky beauties swim and play golf, flight art, horseback riding, costly social life and pursued modern, to the Chinese dress popular. Shanghai has been advocating because Shanghai style western-style way of life, so that later appeared “improved Chinese dress”, from the curve to cover the body appeared abrupt and exquisite female beauty.
After DuoNian the revision and improvement, the Chinese dress has become the most beautiful clothes can reflect Chinese women, with the most Chinese cloth, silk, brocade, make it the most Chinese clothing–the Chinese dress, wear in bun high in the gentle and graceful figure Chinese woman body, that the beauty of the east, Oriental verve, breathtaking. Qipao in here, already get off the general sense of the clothing and become a symbol.

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